Webinar Open to Members and the Public

February 3



The Legacy of Clematis integrifolia:

An Illustrated Celebration of Influential Clematis

With Linda Beutler, U.S., and Maurice Horn, U.S. 

Saturday, February 3, 2024

1 p.m. US/CA Eastern Standard Time

Please check what the time would be where you are: US/CA Central Standard Time, noon; US/CA Mountain Standard Time, 11am; US/CA Pacific Standard Time, 10am; UK time, 6pm; Germany and The Netherlands time, 7pm; New Zealand Daylight Time, 7am next day.


Zoom Link to the Webinar:


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who might be interested!

Webinar Speakers: Linda Beutler and Maurice Horn


Often even accomplished gardeners are not aware that not all clematis climb. The most noteworthy of these non-climbing herbaceous perennials is Clematis integrifolia. It was one of the first species to be used in European clematis breeding (often with Clematis viticella), and it consorts well with the oriental large-flowered species in interesting and beautiful ways. This presentation will examine this history of this hardiest of species, how to use it in gardens, and the amazing hybrids and selections available today.


Clematis 'Elegant Rhythm'


Clematis 'Pamiat Serdsta'


Clematis 'Yubune'


International Clematis Society