What's New
NARGS Annual Conference and AGM June 8-11, 2023
Conference website - https://nargs23.org/
The conference will take place from Thursday June 8 to Sunday June 11 at the Dalhousie University Agricultural Campus in Truro Nova Scotia.
The program will feature field trips, speakers and time to meet other rock gardeners from across North America.
The Agricultural Campus has a highly acclaimed Rock Garden with acidic granite rock and new limestone crevice garden.
All breakfasts, receptions and banquets will be in the Riverside Room on campus and accommodation will be available both on campus and in local hotels.
The program will feature the very rich diversity of plant habitats in Nova Scotia from coastal barrens, gypsum deposits and the Acadian forest. Speakers will include an Introduction to Mi’kma’ki, the legends of Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia flora as well as national and international rock garden specialists.
Come join us for the first NARGS convention in Nova Scotia, Canada’s Ocean Playground.
NARGS Rocks: Small Woodies Conference - Videos available
The North American Rock Garden Society is having a Zoom conference on Small Woodies on January 14, 2003. Tickets are $25 USD and you must be a member to purchase a ticket.
To purchase a ticket click here
You may purchase a ticket after the event is over to view the recordings of the event.
The schedule and speakers is listed below. All the times below are EST.
11:00 : Opening notes
11:05 to 11:50 -Jamie Ellison- "Dwarf Ericaceae for Alpine Gardens"
11:50 to 11:55 - Jamie Ellison and Todd Boland for Q&A
11:55 to 12:00 - Break
12:05 to 12:50 - Sandy Horn - "Conifers in the Rock Garden"
12:50 to 12:55 -Sandy Horn and Todd Boland for Q&A
12:55 to 1:00 - Break
1:05 to 1:50 - Tony Reznicek - "Dwarf Shrubs for All Seasons in the Rock Garden"
1:50 to 1:55 -Tony Reznicek and Todd Boland for Q&A
Alpine Garden Society Zoom Lectures Open to Non-members
The Alpine Garden Society has opened their Zoom lectures up to non-members for a cost of £9 each. The details of next four meetings, which are listed below, can be viewed and booked here.
Time of the meetings 7.30pm GMT = 2.30pm EST
Early Summer in the Western Alps, Razvan Chisu – Tuesday, January 17th 2023, 7.30pm GM
Alpine Flora of Australia, Alan Ayton – Wednesday, February 22nd 2023, 7.30pm GMT
Dionysias in Iran – travelling with the CIA, Jiří Papoušek – Tuesday, March 21st 2023, 7.30pm GMT
Botanical tour through the South Island of New Zealand, Harry Jans – Tuesday, 18 April 2023, 7.30pm BST
There is also a link there to view some previous lectures on their YouTube channel.
Book Sales
Thank you to everyone who made the 2023 book sales so very successfull!
There are no plans for upcoming book sales at this time.
4th Czech International Rock Garden Conference
Registration is now open for the 4th Czech International Rock Garden Conference. Several of our members are intending to join this conference. Some have attended before and have only good things to say about it.
You can find out all about it at this link: https://czrgs.cz/