Plant of the Month for November, 2014

(AL-ee-um thun-BERG-ee-eye)
General Information:
The last plant to start flowering in my zone 5 garden is Allium thunbergii ‘Ozawa’, the Japanese onion. As I write this it is October 26, 2014 and we have not had a real hard frost yet which is very unusual. Most common fall flowering plants like mums are finishing up but the Japanese onion is still going strong. It is not bothered by early frost or snow.
Allium thunbergii ‘Ozawa’; photo by Robert Pavlis
Most alliums flower in spring or summer. This one starts to make buds in early September but does not really open until early October, in most years. It then blooms for many weeks. I suspect the cold fall temperatures keep the buds fresh.
Some alliums spread quickly by seed making them weedy plants, but not this one. It forms a nice clump and rarely self-seeds—probably because the seed does not have time to ripen before winter. In early summer it produces nice grass-like foliage that looks nice all year, developing an orange colour after frost.
Allium thunbergii is also available as a white cultivar.
Allium thunbergii ‘Ozawa’; photo by Robert Pavlis
Life Cycle: bulb/perennial
Height: 30cm (1ft)
Bloom Time: fall
Natural Range: Japan and Korea
Habitat: low mountains, forest margins, slopes and pastures to 1300 m
Synonyms: none
Light: full sun to part shade
Soil: well drained
Water: not fussy, drought tolerant
USDA Hardiness Zone: 4– 9
Propagation: seed, division
Seedex availability (ORG&HPS annual Seed Exchange): frequently