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October is almost here, and that means time for your Seedex donations.

The ORG&HPS seed exchange is a major activity for our society, and the Seedex depends completely on our members sending in seeds. By donating 5 items, you get preferred status when it comes to ordering, and you then get the pick of the crop which becomes a real bonus with some of the seeds which are in short supply.
We welcome all kinds of seeds except veggies, recalcitrant species and noxious weeds.

To confirm these exclusions, refer to:

Submit a list of your seeds using the donation form.
We have made an adjustment to this year’s donation sheet. There is now a small notes column; however, it is restricted to 40 characters and should be completed only if there is something really special about the seed.
Some sample accepted notes: Hardy in zone 5 for 20 yrs. Or: From ORG&HPS seed.

For colour and type (perennial, shrub etc.), click on the empty cell and a dropdown menu will appear from which you should select the relevant information. For colour, there are two columns which, for example, allow you to enter both pink and white if needed. The height is in cm.

Access your donation form here.

Deadline for submitting the completed donation form is October 31. It should be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

How to prepare seed for donation
Please ensure that the seed is as clean as possible, free of contaminants and chaff, dried well and properly labelled in small paper envelopes. The preferred way to donate is in glassine envelopes. Seal envelopes with tape as small seeds will find their way out. No plastic!

Free glassines will be available at the October meeting. Contact Carol Clark or Arie Vanspronsen to order some to be sent by mail for a small charge. 50 glassines /$1.00 plus postage.

Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Azo5GdgAA7s

Delivery of your seeds
Deadline is November 12 except for late ripening which must be received by November 30
Mail to: Arie Vanspronsen, PO Box 1234, 2 Union Street, Waterdown Ont. L0R2H0
Or drop them off at our October or November meeting.
Or drop them off at Carol Clark’s, 88 Cottonwood Dr. Toronto.