Tony Reznicek has recently retired from his day job as a Curator at the University of Michigan Herbarium, especially working with the flora and biogeography of the Great Lakes region, with strong interests in rare plant conservation, plant migration, and related topics.

In addition, he researchs sedge systematics and biology in the New World, particularly Latin America. Tony is primarily responsible for the Michigan Flora Online website, which works to make available information about Michigan plants and their occurrence. My research has allowed me to travel extensively through much of the US and Canada, including a number of trips to Alaska, plus many trips to Mexico, and some trips to South America and China. He is also an avid gardener with interests in rock gardening, native plants, woodland plants, and more generally, any plants of evolutionary and ecological interest.


2022 - 09  Murder in the Rock Garden
2017 - 04  Adapting Rock Gardening Techniques to your Local Conditions -- Crevice Gardens, Troughs, and Utilizing Tufa
2012 - 02  Rock Garden and Woodland Plants under the Lights of Modern Evolutionary Biology